
once upon a time…

A nineteen year old decided they wanted hair just like a princess. So she sought just that. After finding a specialist of her own, Nicole got the extensions she thought she wanted. After almost six years of routine and thinking she had the best — Nicole realized that hair extensions were more than just a cosmetic change. They were a craft. They were an art. They could be so much more. What made her realize this? Anticlimactically… she wanted to know what made Chelsea Houska, the “Teen Mom 2” star’s hair so luscious. Nicole spent countless hours researching hair extensions and hair treatments. She took class after class (even six months pregnant!) trying to learn how to make long beautiful hair look natural and effortless… and then she found it.

After all of her efforts, Nicole finally found the secret — Mermaid Hair. She flew across the country to learn about this incredibly dense and natural hair. She learned what she needed to and here we are.

Aside from installing hair extensions, Nicole is a dedicated mother, wife, and dog lover. With a two year old son and fantastic husband, Nicole cares for her family of 5 (the dogs count!) in Northern New Jersey. In her free time she enjoys visiting local attractions, spending time with her family, and whipping up new Pinterest recipes to try!